Strong services for the financial sector and banks from Fulfillment Mail + Marketing

Fulfillment Mail + Marketing is your print shop for banks and insurance firms. We are also a print specialist for financial service providers, also for bank forms and slips. In addition, we can organise bulk dispatch of customer circulars or the printing of customer cards. Why do we do all of this? Even banks and insurance firms need to attract business and ensure that their current customers receive precisely the information they need. You will benefit from the professional products, services and modules from Fulfillment Mail + Marketing.

Print shop for banks

As a modern print shop, we are your specialist for premium quality printing. We advise you, complete your orders and offer a wide variety of additional services.

Efficient: Mailings from Fulfillment Mail + Marketing

Efficient mailings help you to generate business and inspire loyalty in your customer base. FM+M offers not only advice and printing, but also packaging and dispatch.

Efficient IT for optimised dispatch

We print and send your standard letters, DIALOGPOST circulars or account statements. Our modern IT ensures perfectly coordinated workflows for mass mailing of customer letters and can manage your data entry on request.

Taken to the max: Your savings

Efficiency really matters to us, so we ensure low material, manufacturing and transport costs as well as maximum postage discounts – for your benefit.

Print specialist for financial service providers and online portals

We are your efficient partner for online portals. As a print specialist for financial services providers, we also take charge of storing merchandise and the dispatch of personalised mailings.

Yes, Fulfillment Mail + Marketing is a print shop for banks. To ensure streamlined communication between financial service providers and their customers or prospects.

Druckmaschine und Geldmünzen stehen in dieser Collage für die Druckerei für Banken, die ein Druckspezialist für Finanzdienstleister ist.

You benefit from secure product printing and dispatch from an established specialist and print shop for banks and insurance firms.

Your sector especially must cope with particularly complex requirements in regard to dispatch and printing technology. As a specialist print shop for insurance firms and banks, we provide end-to-end support and deliver state-of-the-art solutions.

IT security and printing processes

Whether it’s bulk dispatch of customer circulars or the printing of customer cards: The data security requirements for banks, financial service providers and insurance firms have increased enormously since the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) entered into force. Comprehensive data privacy is vital in this context, along with protection against unauthorised access and the security of all printing processes. FM+M complies with these requirements at all times.

Good to know: Print failures almost inevitably impair data security, which leads to higher costs. In response, FM+M guarantees rigorously flexible printing processes with maximum data security and minimum administrative workload.

How to describe our specialised services:

  • Print specialist for financial service providers and insurance firms
  • Specialised print shop for bank forms and slips
  • Specialist for bulk dispatch of customer circulars
  • Expert print shop for banks
  • Specialist for printing customer cards

Specialised print shop for bank forms and slips

Fulfillment Mail + Marketing produces all bank forms on your behalf in accordance with the current guidelines. A GiroCode is added to the slips, depending on the requirements. We offer the following benefits in the area of payment transaction forms:

  • Minimum administrative workload
  • IT-managed storage of finished products
  • Best dispatch services

A print shop for banks and insurance firms. We take charge of your printing requirements, also for customer cards.

As one of the major print shops for bands, FM+M offers extensive experience and modern services. We ensure rapid turnaround on print orders, from the smallest print runs to large volumes.

Modern online print shop solution, available 24/7: We offer our printing services for all your marketing requirements, also in the following areas:

  • Business cards
  • Letterheads, envelopes
  • Flyers, folders, posters, brochures
  • Monthly calendars
  • Mailings
  • Printing of customer cards

Your modern print specialist for insurance firms and financial service providers

Your data & our services

No matter whether you want to reach your customers via DIALOGPOST or by other means: Our IT department is able to connect all kinds of databases. In addition, we look after your shipping needs both nationally and internationally – we are certified for all Deutsche Post products and work with alternative delivery services as well.
Fulfillment Mail + Marketing provides an extremely broad portfolio of services, from professional duplicate matching, radius & customer selection and deliverability checks to custom database programming. Last but not least: Our in-house IT department ensures secure data monitoring at all times.

Premium offset and digital printing for the financial and insurance sectors

Wir sind als moderne Druckerei sehr umfassend in den Bereichen Offsetdruck oder Digitaldruck aufgestellt und bieten Ihnen das Beste aus beiden Welten für Ihr professionelles Marketing. Zum Beispiel drucken wir mit 8 Produktions-Digitalsystemen variabel oder statisch – und dies genauso auf Toner- und Inkjet-Basis.

Übrigens eignet sich der Digitaldruck ideal für Anforderungen, bei denen hohe Variabilität und Flexibilität gefragt sind. In Sachen Ressourcenschonung bietet oftmals der Digitaldruck wichtige Vorteile, da exakt die Menge, die Ihr Adressbestand benötigt, auch erfüllt wird. Gerne beraten wir Sie ausführlich über alle für Sie in Frage kommenden Themen und Lösungen.

Your benefits at a glance:

  • Database support, including data protection
  • Certified for Deutsche Post
  • Deliverability checks, duplicate matching, radius and customer selection
  • Custom database programming
  • Postage discount information and calculations
  • In-house graphic designers to support your campaign and create the entire design

Overview of the optimised services for financial service providers from Fulfillment Mail + Marketing, your print shop for banks and insurance firms:

  • Specialist for offset and digital printing
  • Specialist for marketing, printing & dispatch
  • Unlimited print runs – from single units to high-volume ranges
  • Downstream personalisation option for offset printing
  • Quality management for consistent results
  • Lean processes
  • Our IT integrates your address data into the printing process
  • Shift operations ensure fast turnarounds

Online and print portals

Fulfillment Mail + Marketing offers particularly smart solutions for online portals or online shops with CI branding according to your precise specifications. In addition, integrated data connection means that your customers and branches can log in conveniently online 24/7 to place orders, whether for business cards, flyers or any other product that we list in a web shop on the basis of your instructions. We also manage customer data collection as a separate service. Naturally, all data collection procedures are managed in a cloud – to which you have full access at all times – for complete compliance with data privacy requirements.

Sustainable print shop

Protecting the environment really matters to us. That’s why we are certified as a carbon-neutral print shop and take care to offer our customers particularly green solutions, which we then implement in the interests of our environment. It is therefore only natural that all our machinery runs on electricity from regenerative sources.


Mitarbeuter vor Laptop vei FM-M der Fachdruckerei von Bankformularen und Kundenkarten. Hier wird angedeutet der Massenversand von Kundenanschreiben vorbeitet.
Kollage mit einem grünen Tennisball der Fachdruckerei von Bankformularen und Kundenkarten und Massenversand von der Druckerei für Banken.

Overview of our special services for the financial sector and banks

FM+M offers a wide variety of efficient and proven services for the financial sector. We have compiled a selection of them here. We would gladly provide personal and comprehensive advice on these topics. Just drop us a line without any further commitment.

FM+M accommodates all print requirements in the financial and banking sectors with mail automation and programmatic printing. Specifically, we use smart methods and printing technologies to optimise the personalisation of your advertising media.

What’s more, Fulfillment Mail + Marketing implements intelligent workflows for the financial and banking sectors, which demonstrably enhance the success of your campaigns. Automated campaign chains are integrated from day one. On request, we can also integrate the in-house CRM systems of our customers from the banking and insurance sectors into the solutions we offer. You are able to access the status at any time and, above all, can commission campaigns even faster.
Today especially, efficient marketing for the financial and banking sectors increasingly relies on personalised mailings. This can be used, for instance, to remind visitors that they have abandoned a shopping cart and to send variable images and messages to contract customers.

An example:
A customer who has abandoned a cart is sent a postcard with an image of the product they have not yet ordered. The strategic aim: Potential customers are reminded of the products they have left in their cart – and will often use this ‘second chance’ to place their order. These indirect reminders can also be used to offer purchase incentives such as price reductions.

Enveloping? This means to ‘place in a cover’ or ‘wrap’. The individual components of the mailing are therefore inserted into a personalised envelope, together with the cover letter.

To produce a postal mailing, Fulfillment Mail + Marketing folds the personalised cover letter and inserts it into the correct envelope. We can accommodate a wide variety of options and envelope your components in formats from C6 to B4. One envelope can hold up to six components.

We also provide camera alignment as well as modern Read & Print. Another advantage with Fulfillment Mail + Marketing: With our seven enveloping machines, we can ensure the fastest possible dispatch at all times. Our ‘closed loop’ service also provides a secure and proven solution for enveloping and dispatching account statements. This also applies to components that require audit-proof processing. Fulfillment Mail + Marketing is your specialist print shop for bank forms and slips.

The key aspects at a glance:

  • Formats from C6 to B4
  • Up to six components
  • 7 enveloping machines for prompt dispatch
  • Closed loop for audit-proofing and sensitive enveloping jobs
  • Camera alignment and Read & Print option

The anticipated cost of postage is an important criterion in order to ensure efficient dispatch. We optimise postage costs to maximise savings.

First of all: Postage costs can be reduced by making smart changes to the format, paper grade or other components. As the client, it is up to you to decide on these aspects, whichever dispatch method you ultimately select.
Fulfillment Mail + Marketing then identifies the most favourable postage rate for the specific mailing or product. To do so, we use software that was designed specifically to identify discount terms and conditions. We can use Deutsche Post or other delivery services to send your mailings throughout Germany.

Customer cards are widely accepted today. They are perfect ways for financial service companies and banks to inspire loyalty in their customer base and optimise their customer management.

Fulfillment Mail + Marketing prints customer cards in the preferred corporate branding and with other optional features. We can also send the personalised cards to your customers. We can offer various methods to print the cards themselves.

As a print shop for banks, we would be happy to provide detailed advice on relevant issues, even at an early stage of your planning.

In other words: We also organise bulk dispatch of customer circulars or the printing of customer cards. Discover Fulfillment Mail + Marketing as a print specialist for financial service providers.

Your call – our advice


Focused on your goals: We provide detailed advice on all relevant issues that matter to you. The quickest way is to give us a call. We look forward to your questions and suggestions.




Sales and Customer Management
Mobil +49 (0)151/ 57 65 78 70
+49(0)4121 / 491 60-14




Sales Management, Print & Webshop Solutions
Mobil +49 (0)172/ 1333 440
+49(0)4121 / 491 60-125

Anja Frey von Fulfillment Mail + Marketing



Company Officer
+49(0)4121 / 491 60-19

(born Paris)

Currently not available
+49(0)4121 / 491 60-27


Head of Purchasing
+49(0)4121 / 49 160-11


Site management Itzehoe
+49(0)4821 / 3519